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Promoting Health and Wellness

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a powerful, yet subtle and gentle form of energy healing. The Japanese term is made up of Rei, meaning “Divine Intelligence”, and Ki, “Life Force Energy”, and can be translated as “Divinely guided healing energy of the Universe.” Reiki is essentially a method of concentrating this energy so that we can more directly and effectively experience its benefits.

We all have the capacity to support our own healing. Reiki promotes healing on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels by working with the body’s natural inclination to heal. It can help us to release energy blockages as well as emotional patterns that no longer serve us.

Reiki Can Help:

Increase energy and sense of well‑being

Encourage restful sleep

Relieve of aches and pains

Stimulate the immune system

Aid transition through intense emotional stress

Cope with major physical illness

Accelerate post-operative healing

Enhance your preventative health care regimen

Gain clarity and momentum to reach personal goals

Develop greater spiritual awareness

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